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Grant Programs

Past Projects & Recipients

Chromebooks delivered to High Schools

2018/19 FFMS Grant Winner Testimonials

Gold Hill Elementary - Matthew Rohring

The GHES faculty and staff is truly appreciative of our Administrator’s Grant that allowed us to attend the Boeing Facility in North Charleston via charter bus on August 17, 2018. We had 60 staff members participate in the Boeing DreamLearners program to learn about the importance of STEAM education to prepare our students for the future. The presenters spoke specifically about what our students can be doing now to develop skills that will give them more opportunities at companies like Boeing. It was a tremendous day of learning and team building that got our 2018-19 school year off to a great start!

Orchard Park Elementary - Kristin Rhodes

"Our Teach Hard, Love Harder professional learning was one of the most practical, inspiring, and helpful experiences to us as educators. Amie Dean, special education teacher and behavior "queen" provided us with real life examples and strategies to support all our students. Her ability to use humor and personal stories captivated our teachers and staff and had them excited to begin the year! Thank you to the Foundation for Fort Mill Schools for funding our grant."

Orchard Park Elementary Administration.

Banks Trail Middle School - Amy Rossett

My project will provide all of Banks Trail Middle School’s language arts students in grades 6-8 with award-winning literature written by master storyteller Margaret Peterson Haddix. Through reading and studying various works by this best-selling author of books for adolescents, our students will grow in their understanding of author’s craft, word choice, writing style, tone, and voice. Engaging middle school students in books is a great challenge in today’s technology driven world and with the many distractions of adolescence. Haddix’s books are engaging for middle school students because of their relevant topics, intriguing characters, and suspense.


Amy Rossett

Literacy Specialist

Banks Trail Middle School

Banks Trail Middle School  - Tabatha Astacio-Arce

I was fortunate enough to win a grant that will help me advance my teaching by allowing me to attend a professional conference. After much research I thought that it would be best to learn from other teachers in the state of SC. With help from my school a co-worker and I will be attending the 2019 SCCTE conference. This conference will be concentrating on helping out students understand that literacy is a requirement that is needed for life. Making the connection that literacy is necessary skill to their future is key. Since our district is implementing STEAM I thought this would be perfect to help me continue my own STEAM implementation in my English class. I can’t wait to bring back great information to my colleagues.

Springfield Elementary - Mandy Shamblin

A big Thank you to Foundations for Fort Mill Schools! Things have been going great with our STEAM garden! The students were able to build prototypes for a shed design that will be showcased on our 2nd Annual STEAM Night. Students are also working on germinating our seeds to get ready to plant in a few weeks.

This year, we have turned our STEAM Garden into a club. There are 25 4th and 5th grade students, total, who meet twice a month to conduct STEAM activities, related to our garden. Last week, students were able to use the gardening tools (gloves, shovels, wheelbarrow, and various other supplies) that were founded by the Foundations Grant. We even asked a group of little engineers to put together our wheelbarrow! They did great!

Springfield Middle School  - Tonya Norwood

Increasing Fluency and Comprehension in Reading by Expanding Classroom Library

I used $500 to purchase books for my classroom library, and the kids are loving them!  I have a wait list for some books!

Tega Cay Elementary - Kathleen Mills

Today, we distributed some of our CD players and recorded books.  The fun will continue with a second set of students later this week (they were absent today) and EVERY week when they switch out their books.

From our grant…

“Our ELL students need audio books and portable compact disk players so they can simultaneously HEAR the words, SEE the print and EXPERIENCE the English language. When ELL students are able to hear English at school and listen to a book in English at home, they will benefit by increased English language acquisition; they are gaining valuable information about the sounds and cadences of spoken English, and they are also developing vocabulary skills that can contribute to oral language fluency, as well as reading and listening comprehension.”

But…this is what the students said…

Diego - “It tells you the story in English so that you know what it’s about.”

Rithvik – “It makes me happy.”

Pranshi – “It will help me.”

Nathalya – “Now we (my mom and me) can listen to books in English…together.”

Farfan  - “Hooray!”

So, thank you, thank you thank you!

2012 - 2013

Ms. Price's Class

Ms. Mantel's Class

Past Projects