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Snack Shack

Approximately 1 in 10 children in our community are food insecure.  In a school system of nearly 20,000 students, we know that many of them do not have basic food and nutritional requirements.  This impacts a learner’s ability to perform in school when their basic needs are unmet.  Children come into school hungry, unable to focus, study and complete their work.  That reflects on the school system and our ability to provide these children with the best educational opportunities.  No student in our community should go hungry.

Our goal is to provide a food pantry at each school within the Fort Mill School District that will provide healthy food resources throughout the day to those students who don’t have enough to eat.  FFMS through an initial grant from Duke Energy will provide food supplies to 5 schools identified as initial starts for Fall 2023, with remaining schools to open pantries in 2024 based on funding.  These particular schools in our district are more impacted by food insecurity due to the demographics of these particular locations. FFMS works with School Administration/staff to determine the location for each pantry and point of contact. We also work with the school to help create a budget to maintain funds over time to sustain the program. 

The Foundation installed Snack Shacks in 11 of FMSD Schools and hopes to have a Snack Shack in all schools by the end of the 2024-2025 school year. This pantry program will supplement other programs such as our Weekend Backpacks and Free and Reduced Lunches.

A Snack Shack can be found at the following schools:

Banks Trail Middle School

Fort Mill Elementary School

Fort Mill Middle School

Nations Ford High School

Orchard Park Elementary School

Pleasant Knoll Elementary School

Pleasant Knoll Middle School

Riverview Elementary School

Springfield Elementary School

Springfield Middle School

Sugar Creek Elementary School

Donations are welcomed and appreciated online or by mail. For more information contact us: